Reaching the lost
The purpose of an area-wide crusade is to unite Bible-believing churches to work together to reach the lost and unchurched in a community. To do so, all participating churches must agree to the following two doctrinal positions.
Salvation comes by grace through faith in Jesus (John 14:6, Eph. 2:8-9, Acts 4:12)
The Bible is God’s infallible Word (Matt. 4:4, John 17:17, 2 Tim. 3:16-17)
While there are differences among Christian denominations, agreeing on these two points enables us to work together to see people saved. For this reason, churches that share the above mentioned doctrines are free to become an active participating church that joins the efforts in leadership and development.
Churches, We Need Your Help
We truly desire all of our churches to be involved in this regional life-transformation event. You as church leaders have a lot of pull to mobilize those in your congregation to get involved by praying, promoting, participating, and pledging for this crusade. (Select the + symbol to find out more…)
Pray for the lost, for favor in planning, for unity in the body, for good weather, for financials provisions, for protection from the enemy. Pray publicly with the congregation for the crusade efforts.
Promote from the platform and in services, on church social media and website, and in announcing preparation events. Appoint a church coordinator to make announcements and keep the congregation informed. Adopt this mentality, “If this was our church’s event, what would we do to promote it?”
Challenge the congregants to participate in all aspects of the preparation. Encourage lay people to serve in the crusade working teams, such as Outreach, Counseling/Follow-up, Prayer, etc. Move Sunday night and Wednesday night activities to the crusade site during the crusade week.
Pledge to financially invest in the crusade budget. The amount to pledge is between the pastor, church leaders, and church congregation. Opportunities to invest are at the Kickoff Banquet, from a church budget line or special account for missions or evangelism, and Crusade Challenge Sunday - a Sunday that is designated to receive a freewill love offering to contribute to the crusade.
Let’s work together
Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!
New Believer Follow-up
Plan ahead
Don’t wait until you have new believers knocking on your church doors. Plan ahead to connect and disciple new believers. We also encourage partner churches to have a plan to assimilate new families into their church.
Don’t Drop the Ball
A single follow-up to a decision to follow Christ is not enough. Churches should have a plan to follow up multiple times with those who trust in Jesus. Read through our counseling & follow-Up resources HERE!
Recommended Resources
If your church does not have any matterials geared toward new believers, we recommend this resource called Beginning Steps: Welcome to the Family. This very inexpensive resource can be purchased HERE!